Sh!t I Learned From My Crappy Childhood
Sh!t I Learned From My Crappy Childhood
AUDIO: Parenting Unfiltered: Conversations on the Morning Stroll

AUDIO: Parenting Unfiltered: Conversations on the Morning Stroll

Join Robin and lifelong friend Aileen on their morning walk as they discuss the ins and outs of parenting, sharing personal anecdotes, laughter, and insights that go beyond the pages of parenting book
Babyfaced Aileen and Robin before kids gave them age spots.

You may have read last week’s post Navigating the Teenage Years: Lessons from the OWP Squad.” The essay was about putting a group of sometimes older, but definitely wiser parents around you to offer support and help navigate the teenage trials and tribulations that are not in parenting books. 

If you haven’t read it, go on back and check it out.

But that got me thinking, I wanted to share with you a real time discussion with one of my OWPs, Aileen. She and I regularly talk about life and all our challenges on our early morning walks. It’s two birds with one stone - some fitness and mental health activity while sharing and hearing each other’s struggles. 

So here’s Aileen and I talking parenting and OWPs in real time. Apologies for the audio quality, it’s all an experiment in new and interesting ways to share content with this amazing community. I hope you like it. Click above to listen!


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Sh!t I Learned From My Crappy Childhood
Sh!t I Learned From My Crappy Childhood
Writer, actress, podcast host, Robin Hopkins talks life lessons from a crappy childhood. She chats family, parenting, childhood, and sometimes, running away from your past.