Good role modeling for the passing beautiful people joggers!!
That tree thanks you for lightening its burden of lanternfly life-sucking pests.
The pest squishing sounds stress reducing and therapeutic but don't forget to put some regular exercise in your ( I know, too copious, spare time ) week...
Good for the soma and psyche and for healthy role modeling too.....
On it!!! Mary and I started lifting in an attempt to avoid nursing home bod. Will keep you posted how that goes. And maxine took a walk with me Sunday so introduced her to spottedl lantern fly killing. She took to it. Of course. Game on.
Sounds exhausting!
Way too relatable, my friend. Here’s to getting the stress out whatever it takes.
On it!
Good role modeling for the passing beautiful people joggers!!
That tree thanks you for lightening its burden of lanternfly life-sucking pests.
The pest squishing sounds stress reducing and therapeutic but don't forget to put some regular exercise in your ( I know, too copious, spare time ) week...
Good for the soma and psyche and for healthy role modeling too.....
On it!!! Mary and I started lifting in an attempt to avoid nursing home bod. Will keep you posted how that goes. And maxine took a walk with me Sunday so introduced her to spottedl lantern fly killing. She took to it. Of course. Game on.