Stage 1: You finish school, and everything is going good.
Stage 2: Lots of camps, vacations, everything is looking up. But you’ve forgotten that time flies when you’re having fun.
Stage 3: You should probably hang out with your friends from school. Actually, it’s alright you can stay inside and happily play video games. You’ll see them soon enough anyway.
Stage 4: Wait, back to school is soon?
Stage 5: Panic. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god.
Stage 6: Count your days. You look desperately at your calendar to see how many days you have left of summer.
Stage 7: You cry.
Stage 8: You stop crying and realize you still have three weeks left. It’s really not that serious.
Stage 9: Wait, Labor Day is in a week and school starts that week?
Stage 10: Time is running out. You try to delay it as much as possible. Before you can think, you’re back at school and getting in trouble again.
Stage 11: Final stage. You begin counting the number of school days left. Can’t be that many, right? 178. This is going to be a long year.
You got it again so right!
Indeed! Good work.
parenting, not "parented", as there are LOTS more fun, crises and shenanigans to come!