Hi friends!
Today’s post is a bit more informal. It’s a check-in of sorts and a celebration too.
You may be aware that I’ve been working on becoming a better celebrator of accomplishments in my life. You might even recall that I wrote about the importance of celebrating wins right here on Substack.
So I’m excited to share a big win. My podcast Well…Adjusting is back for a third season! What? No way?!
I know. I can’t believe it either.
If you aren’t familiar with “Well…Adjusting” it’s a comedic, self-help chat show where I share 'lessons from my crappy childhood’ to help with issues about the workplace, personal finances, and the biggest of big topics, self-help.
We're kicking off the season with Mina Starsiak Hawk, host of HGTV’s “Good Bones." She came to us looking for help with a big question, “How do I have an identity that is not defined by work?” In this interview, I spent time talking to Mina, pulling apart these issues and getting into the specifics like the guilt Mina feels about letting down the people she employs and the pressure she puts on herself to be successful at all times. It’s a fantastic and illuminating conversation. Spoiler alert: Mina is a pit bull and can’t nobody keep her down.
This season, I continue chatting with Gen Z’ers and Millennials about a broad range of topics like what to do after a layoff, breaking the cycle of debt, facing fears when driving, and how to stop getting in your own way. I even got my sister, Kim to come on and talk about how to approach a political divide in the family. Don’t worry, we had mimosas while discussing and no Hopkins (former or current) were harmed during the making of that episode.
If a new season launch wasn’t enough reason to celebrate, “Well…Adjusting” was just named a finalist for a Signal Award in the category of “Most Inspirational Episode.” The nominated episode is titled “Neurodiverg-attude” and is about a man named Myron who was diagnosed as neurodivergent later in life.
I’m just so proud of this show and all the folks who have worked on it.
When I look back at the origin of the show, I think about two years ago and how this podcast was merely an idea bouncing about in my head. I shared that idea with my talented and smart-ass colleague Steph Colbourn (CEO of editaudio) and she jumped on board and brought her whole team with her. Together we built a show with a fun and engaging format that is all about doing good in the world.
We created a space where people could share their questions, concerns, worries, and sometimes life trauma with us. Through our conversations with these people, I’d like to think, we helped them see other ways to approach their problems. And we did it all with laughter and intimacy.
I hope we helped and entertained a whole bunch of listeners along the way too.
So, folks, the first episode of season three is out now. You can get it wherever you get your pods or you can click right here to listen. I’d be honored if you decided to give Well…Adjusting a try.
Now, I’m off to celebrate. But not with a Snickers bar.
See you next week!